
Besides gaining reputation with your questions and answers, you receive badges for being especially helpful.
Badges appears on your profile page, questions & answers.

Ask Question
Altruist × 32924

First bounty you manually award on another person's question

Analytical × 43587

Visited every section of the FAQ

Announcer × 227641

Share a link to a post later visited by 25 unique IP addresses

Archaeologist × 2514

Edit 100 posts that were inactive for 6 months

Autobiographer × 1367031

Complete "About Me" section of user profile

Benefactor × 48793

First bounty you manually award on your own question

Beta × 32924

Voted 10 times, added 3 posts score > 0, and visited the site on 3 separate days during the private beta

Booster × 32924

Share a link to a post later visited by 300 unique IP addresses

Census × 32924

Completed the annual Disilab survey; your responses are anonymous

Citizen Patrol × 32924

First flagged post

Civic Duty × 32924

Vote 300 or more times

Cleanup × 32924

First rollback

Commentator × 32924

Leave 10 comments

Constable × 0

Served as a pro-tem moderator for at least 1 year or through site graduation

Copy Editor × 32924

Edit 500 posts (excluding own or deleted posts and tag edits)

Critic × 32924

First down vote

Curious × 32924

Ask a well-received question on 5 separate days, and maintain a positive question record

Deputy × 32924

Raise 80 helpful flags

Disciplined × 32924

Delete own post with score of 3 or higher

Documentation Beta × 32924

Contributed 3+ substantive pieces of documentation during the private beta

Showing 1-20 of 50,577 results